finding answers – a personal story

the majority of plants grow best in a soil which tests 6.5 to 7 on the ph scale. This scale measures the alkalinity and the acidity with 7 being neutral. Numbers from 1 to 6.9 indicate acidity,such as vinegar for example,with above 7 indicating alkaline, like lye or lyme. Distilled water is ph 7 and most tap water is very close to neutral.
in 2010, with gold up to $1200 oz, a rapidly rising stock market, and a seemingly recovering economy, i wrote a follow up article entitled if the future’s so bright how come i don’t need shades, which argued that despite appearances, nothing had changed, and that we were actually still heading into an economic downturn so serve it would ultimately be termed a depression. The article suggested that cash short term us government bonds nan examples of a reaction paper nan gold/silver bullion and other tangible items might be the reaction paper format safest store of wealth at the moment.
i don’t charge anything; most libraries don’t have much money anyway. I just ask if i can sell copies of pulp writer afterwards. Some libraries will give me an honorarium of maybe $100 or so, which last year would have barely covered my gas. But it’s okay, because

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i have really come to love doing these. what?? He actually said that? Given his audience, and the magnitude of focus on that meeting, what ben said was tantamount to the fire marshall shouting fire in a theatre. If you don’t normally follow the statements made by the most powerful man in the world then you must know that folks of that ilk (politicians) don’t normally talk that way. For example instead of recently saying that the housing market is still in the dumpster because people can’t get reaction paper loans ben said access to mortgage credit continues to be constrained“. That’s the normal fed-speak.
even everyday events can be of interest to readers of your memoirs. Did you buy a paper dress when they were popular, and how to write a reaction paper did it work out? What was it like to use a microwave for the first time? How did it feel to hold your newborn for the first time? What was your first car like, or your first apartment?
we have a part of us that does not want to be in „the moment.“ it wants to stay in its „created fantasy“ because it’s convinced it is right. If this is the case, know that you are again out of „the moment“ and into the future, pretending or

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fantasizing about what you think is going on. if (unlucky you) you still see wine (which is now becoming a wine stain instead of just a wine spill), repeat the cleaning solution wetting and then get out more paper towels. It is pretty unusual to have to go through all this a third time, but if it is your mother’s favorite white carpet and she never gave you permission to have a party at her

finding answers – a personal story

the majority of plants grow best in a soil which tests 6.5 to 7 on the ph scale. This scale measures the alkalinity and the acidity with 7 being neutral. Numbers from 1 to 6.9 indicate acidity,such as vinegar for example,with above 7 indicating alkaline, like lye or lyme. Distilled water is ph 7 and most tap water is very close to neutral.
in 2010, with gold up to $1200 oz, a rapidly rising stock market, and a seemingly recovering economy, i wrote a follow up article entitled if the future’s so bright how come i don’t need shades, which argued that despite appearances, nothing had changed, and that we were actually still heading into an economic downturn so serve it would ultimately be termed a depression. The article suggested that cash short term us government bonds gold/silver bullion and other tangible items might be the reaction paper format safest store of wealth at the moment.
i don’t charge anything; most libraries don’t have much money anyway. I just ask if i can sell copies of pulp writer afterwards. Some libraries will give me an honorarium of maybe $100 or so, which last year would have barely covered my gas. But it’s okay, because i have really come to love doing these.

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what?? He actually said that? Given his audience, and the magnitude of focus on that meeting, what ben said was tantamount to the fire marshall shouting fire in a theatre. If you don’t normally follow the statements made by the most powerful man in the world then you must know that folks of that ilk (politicians) don’t normally talk that way. For example instead of recently saying that the housing market is still in the dumpster because people can’t get reaction paper loans ben said access to mortgage credit continues to be constrained“. That’s the normal fed-speak.
even everyday events can be of interest to readers of your memoirs. Did you buy a paper dress when they were popular, and how to write a reaction paper did it work out? What was it like to use a microwave for the first time? How did it feel to hold your newborn for the first time? What was your first car like, or your first apartment?
we have a part of us that does not want to be in „the moment.“ it wants to stay in its „created fantasy“ because it’s convinced it is right. If this is the case, know that you are again out of „the moment“ and into the future, pretending or fantasizing about what you think is going on.

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if (unlucky you) you still see wine (which is now becoming a wine stain instead of just a wine spill), repeat the cleaning solution wetting and then get out more paper towels. It is pretty unusual to have to go through all this a third time, but if it is your mother’s favorite white carpet and she never gave you permission to have a party at her house, you may have to „suck it up“.